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Bridging critical medical & emergency infrastructure gaps in Haiti

  • 24/7 Emergency Medical Rescue

  • Multi-Lingual Dispatchers

  • International team of Emergency Doctors, Paramedics, EMTs 

  • USA standard equipment, supplies and medications

  • Emergency Medical Flights within Haiti, at 16 landing zones

  • No penalty 3rd party accident coverage, regardless of fault

  • Patient advocacy if hospitalized

  • International Medevac Flight Coordination 

HERO Guardian Network 

HERO equips, trains and supports verified medical services throughout Haiti so they can assist as a first response to our clients outside of our immediate coverage zones. These medical first responders are encouraged to utilize our equipment, supplies and support to provide quality EMS care to the people of their communities at no cost, which means our HERO clients are covered while giving back to the community at the same time. Click below if you are interested in joining the HERO Guard. 


HERO offers  basic and advanced first aid training for the public citizens and private companies.

Additionally, we assist in the medical training portion of HALO trainings which include TECC/TCCC,

AV Driver, and other Police and security related courses. HERO is a trusted training provider for PNH special units, some USAID and U.N. programs, many other agencies. We can equip you with the correct equipment and supplies to match your level of training that you receive.

One Mission, One Team.

HERO Client Rescue S.A. was founded in 2014, by a small team of like-minded Haitian and USA emergency response specialists who care deeply for the people of Haiti. A robust, adaptable EMS agency did not exist in Haiti at the time, and over the past 8 years we have been proud to work alongside other public and private organizations who play important roles in the "One Mission, One Team" EMS culture. HERO has grown from a single unit in Turgeau, to becoming the largest and most trusted International EMS company in the country - with reach to all 10 Departments of Haiti, a new air ambulance program and international medevac coordination, with rapid expansion to include multiple new HERO programs and services.


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